Beginning of August 2023, I was contacted by a young man, Askin K…. from Turkey. He
told me that he recently interviewed a young lady for his Podcast. This lady was talking about a spiritual experience she had, which she found most amazing, & mentioned my name. She talked about a spiritual communication she received from her late grandmother through another person she only met once. Communication included a portrait drawing of herself. Askin was most impressed, & curious about the story, & he wished to arrange for a Sitting himself.
Link to the story on my page: (https://www.artofspirit.co.uk/post/2019/06/10/grandmother-reaches-out
We did try to arrange a mutually convenient time & day, but for various reasons, it was delayed. During this time, his mother had fallen ill unexpectedly, & shortly after passed into spirit. During her short illness, I offered to give healing, & we arranged to chat over WhatsUp, to allow me to get his mothers energy when I had a glimpse of her at a distance for a very short time. During the healing session all I could feel was ‘her consciousness was very weak’.
She passed into Spirit shortly after. Her passing was a shock to the family. So I suggested to Askin that we delay the sitting for a while, & trying to give comfort, said ‘may be there will be a sign’ when the time is right. I really did not expect to receive a sign myself as I do not know the young man, or his family, but that is exactly what happened!
Recently, I joined a Zoom Sunday Service at SAGB (Spiritual Association of Great Britain). The people joining, so I was hopeful to receive a communication from a loved one. I did happen! My father came through…
His first message was related to a ‘Podcast’. Terry said he is not familiar with such technology but whether my father suggests that 'it may be another extension to spiritual communications I could make use of’… He then passed to other messages my father gave, & I was grateful. Later on, I thought about the ‘Podcast’ message, but it did not feel right for me to that start into yet another venture I knew nothing about. It was only later that it occurred to me that it could be a sign for me!
So I called Askin & suggested a Sitting over the Zoom. Initially, it was difficult to link to anyone, so I started with a drawing, wondering if my expectations were making it difficult to communicate. It was the drawing of a young girl, lying on a pillow, & sleeping. She also appeared to have a smile on her face. I forwarded the drawing to Askin. He said she looks like a young version of his mother! He kindly forwarded the photo above.
Soon after, I could hear her, as if coming from a long distance, confirming. I know that such
communications vary from person to another, depending on whether the person in spirit already had other earthly experiences, & know how to lower their energies to match with our earthly low energy levels.
She initially thanked me for the communication, then asked me to pass her love on to her family. Askin confirmed that her manner of speaking sounded like his mother, & pointed out that it was exactly a month since her passing!
The mother promised to contact again once she completes her journey into Spirit… It was a short but most touching communication.