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I received the photograph of the oil painting above from my dear cousin Ayşim. She is a well respected artist in Munich, Germany, as well as a successful architect. Her father (Orhan Çakmakçıoğlu 1923 - 2003), my dear uncle, was a well known architect in İstanbul, Turkey and seems to have led the way for other members of the family becoming architects- followed by me, my brother and his own daughter.

Ayşim told me that her painting was inspired by a little Sparrow which flew in one morning, sat at the top of her late husband's books on the shelf, watching her. She tried to chase it out thinking that the bird lost its way but unsuccessfully. Sometime later, the little Sparrow found its way out.

Knowing that I am involved in spiritual work, she was asking me if it could be a message from her late husband as it is almost the first anniversary of his sudden passing. She further explained that he knew all about birds and could name them all... then said, his name for me was ‘Sparrow’!

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