I received a call from a lady (NU) who lives overseas. We were first introduced in early 1980s, but I have only seen her once since, and it was a couple of years ago. At the time, I recall that her husband was in poor health. She was now calling me not only to let me know of his passing, but wanted to discuss something which kept happening since his passing a week earlier.They lived in a two storey house. Her husband spent most his time in his bedroom after he became unwell, and used a cordless bell if/when he needed anyone to attend to him. His passing was a week ago, and the funeral was well attended by a large number of people.
Since his passing, NU had lots of visitors, and the conversation would mostly be around him. What she found puzzling was that on a few occasions, when it was only the family around her, talking about him, the cordless bell which was still in his room, would ring.
They checked the room it was in, and nothing seemed to be out of ordinary. NU was concerned that she felt his presence strongly in the house, and worried that her husband may choose to stay earth bound
She was asking me if I could inquire with my guides.
It was confirmed by my guides and I was told that I would be put into contact with the husband. I was indeed, and he told me that he loved his wife far too much to leave, therefore wanted to stay around, so he could help her. In our brief conversation I could persuade him that it would be best if he first agreed to complete his journey in this life time, he could then be of much more help to her. He agreed but would like to 'talk' to his wife first. I called and informed NU. She confirmed to him through me, that it was also her wish too. He then agreed to continue into his journey.
It has been few months, and last week NU confirmed that the bell never rang again since, and she did not feel his presence in the house any longer either.
I was later also told by my guides that 'he is well and had been reviewing his life as in a cinema!