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I was driving home when I turned the corner, and was overjoyed with the magnificent Mimosa tree on a street otherwise full of trees with bare branches. It made me smile, and reminded me my last journey in the London Underground!

Recently, I took the underground from Bond Street to Holborn which is only 3 stops. It was lunch time, and the train seemed to be full of men, all dressed in grey traditional office suits.

A black man came in and sat across from me. He probably was around 45 years of age. He had a black jacket and trousers, and striking black and white framed glasses. He took some papers from his briefcase and started reading. He seemed oblivious to his surroundings.

He had short hair, and an expensive looking smart collarless shirt. He had a star shaped brooch of about 5cm diameter on his lapel which was made of golden coloured small beads. On his each hand, he was wearing a single, large, custom made glass rings.

I liked him and was thinking to myself ‘what would say if I had a chance to talk to him’. Before I could formulate what to say, we arrived at the Holborn Station. As I walked out onto the the platform, I realised that he was just behind me. I said to myself ‘someone is challenging me!’

I stopped and turned around, so he also stopped. I asked if I could I say something to him. He said ‘yes’ with questioning eyes. I told him what I was thinking while sitting opposite to him on the train, and that it seemed I was now given a chance. I continued saying ‘thanks for daring be different, and excellent attention to details’.

He smiled and I smiled. We then both went in different directions.

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